Monday, July 23, 2012

Ok, ok. Admittedly the last attempt at blogging our gaming progress didn't work so well. So we didn't get past the pretty pictures. So we didn't actually describe to you our gameplay experiences. Let's put that all behind us. Because, unfortunately, against everyone's (myself included) better judgement, I recently purchased this.

It didn't look impressive enough, so I surrounded it with cupcakes.
50 minutes into the game and I am confused! Particularly by the following decisions:
  • Why is the most annoying character now the main character?
  • Why would you make your players sit through the opening intro, only to recycle the material in the first scene?
  • Are you trying to test my skill or my luck by making the commands in the battle sequences black-on-navy-blue?
I appreciate that the "trigger" buttons during the cut-scenes are an attempt to keep you engaged during game-play lulls, but it so far I have knocked over several books and one table in panic. Perhaps the months of playing hack-and-slash have dulled my complex gaming intuition...
Vicky, what are you playing?
**Two cupcakes were lost in the creation of this document**

Monday, April 19, 2010

I really need to get to work

Since Hera is digging her car out of a ditch and playing with the difference between run-on sentences and comma splices, and I am trying to figure out how to write 20 pages in 2 days and still have time to correct run-on sentences and comma splices in about 30 student papers, no gaming is getting done.

So instead, I bring you a visualization of the deep and profound thoughts that are inspired by a game such as Final Fanatsy XIII.

Where have all the moogles gone? (aside from the Moogle Factory thing and the "moogle carcass" that you find after fighting one of the monsters. What, it's not a moogle carcass?)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Let it Snow, let it Snow, let it SNOW! - A story of SNOW

This is totally dedicated to livi =P and spoilers ensue...sorta...and pics got progressively worse cuz i had to take pics from my phone since my camera shutter won't turn on no

Once upon a time in a futuristic fantasy world (with really cool bgs that i will post later), there was a girl named Serah (or however they want to spell)...
Serah met a boy...very "big" boy to be exact named Snow...

who has a motorcycle shaped with 2 chicks on the seat...

They fall in love in the typical "petite skool girl meets really huge guy who's in a gang that does all this illegal stoof"...
Serah gets capture with this god-like being that has water as do its bidding...

who makes her find cooler ppl to do its bidding...

her sis
her macho boy toy
some black dood that has a chocobo chick living in his afro...
some pop-tarty aussi chick that wears fur and is on the run from peta...

emo kid that looks at ground

Serah succeeds and gets "eternal life"...while her sis (one of the cool ppl that Serah found for the god-like with water as hands creature) goes on a rampage to kill everyone that pissed her off...including snow...

snow then gets hit by this other chick that controls dragons...(awesome!)
and then he gets captured
by this really cool brigadier general who has its own ship/fleet (u know he had to be there...)
and has a richter lookalike as a lackey...

he gets let go on good behaviour...and encounters emo kid with knife...who gets even more emo with snow's annoying dialogue about how he's going to save the world, etc...
and the kid w/ knife gets even emo when snow hugs him in free fall for no apparent reason...

so emo kid w/ knife tries to blow him up...

but snow, having indestructible android armour and cat-like reflexes, lands on his back and only limps away...taking the emo kid w/ him to further thicken the plot...(pwp?)
he gets invited to a party in some old guy's house where he had to strip to show off his huge, smooth pecs...
...and gets a confession by Serah's vengeful sis...
then a confession from the emo kid with knife...

then a confession from dragoon lady...*snickers

then finally the old guy
he is flattered and begs them to stop...
then, a general appears from the outside...
who brought his own spotlights, lighting crew, etc. and confesses his love to our "hero"...
snow being torn between all these confessions, strips off his jacket...

and the general tries to engrave "hands off my man!" on snow's awesome, manly chest with laser beams
but fails miserably as he forgot his glasses...
snow turns him down by confessing his undying luv for serah (remember the chick at the beginning?)...
obviously someone gets mad and started shooting up the place...
and accidentally killed everyone in the process, including the general with the lighting crew...
surprisingly, snow comes out alive because of his android armour with only breathing in the nerve gas...
and they all live happily ever...after they go and save the world from god-like creatures....the end!

Hope u guys enjoyed none of it was really true...except for the pics (character pics were from ffxiii official website)...and how in my mind, it would be how the story should be...sorta...well if i had a lot of tequila and ice-cream in my a lot i mean 4 gallons at least...mmmm....i'm gonna go have cookies now!