Saturday, March 13, 2010

I'm beginning to rethink this....

Yesh, i know i'm like 4 days late in posting...but with working a 8-4pm job, doing various heavy lifting at work while recovering from a stubborn flu and various illnesses...i'm a little sluggish (not to mention lazy to drag myself out of the couch and post)....but those are not good let's get on with the show...

so the "rethinking" in the title has nothing to do with the game (because i'm still in awe with its prettiness)...but a bet that i stupidly made with a friend of is to finish the game in 5 days (which means my deadline is this sunday) with certain requirements like completing a number of sidequests, trophies, etc....and i'm beginning to think that it's an impossible task because I'M SLOW! I have made myself a schedule and i sadly have not been following the timeline...i'm suppose to have at least finished chapter 7 yesterday, but after being dragged out to various outings by friends, i've been "distracted" of sorts (because sadly i do have a social life still)...i only just got to chapter 5, even after staying up till 4am this morning....

before i get into the game, so let's give ppl a glance at my game resume so ppl know that i do play video games and not some fan girl that goes ga-ga over tall men with murasumes, with flowing white hair....(sorry livi, just had to put that in)....i have played and finished every single ff game to date with the exception of ffxi and ff crystal chronicles: echoes of time on wii...we are going to go with japanese versions here as the US version has some numbering far i think ff tactics is my fav...follow by ff6 and ff12....and i do own most of these games that are on PS....for this game, i have already played thru the jap version but had no idea wat the plot was like cuz i'm not fluent in jap...yet...

so far in the game (and spoilers will ensue)...

i'm luving the more awkward corners or flattening issues on characters when they're in non-cg mode....cutscene movies are great...not a lot of lagging that we're used to seeing in the previous games on PS, very fluid....and i find this one is a lot sharper than ff12...i know it's mostly cuz this is made on blu-ray and next gen game console and all....but if we put that all aside...i found that ff12 characters were a little too "animal-like" to me...and the whole sand-blowing-effect-because-we're-in-a-desert just made everything blurry to me....u'll get none of that in's like getting the correct prescriptive lenses for ur eyes! altho...i do wished there was blood in the cut scenes for dramatic effect...

voice-acting...this could be better...but i like how they've improved on the lip-syncing....and i am in luv with sazh (the lionel richie clone)...he is an awesome comic relief...not to mention luving that chocobo chick...

characters...luv lightning if she doesn't can't stand the vanille cuz of the whole peppy pop-tarty personality but that could just me (cuz i'm dark and twisty)...but i luv her hair....the detailing on the characters are extremely well-done in my books...check out the facial hair on snow...

gameplay....exploring...kinda wished they gave us more freedom in this one, i kinda miss jumping and go thru all the nooks and crannies to find weird things...but i can understand how they gave that up for the graphics...most of the time, i find myself spinning around in circles to check out the's just amazing...the temples, the crystallized lakes, etc...but being the first game on ps3, i can forgive them on this part...

battles...really simplified it (not sure if it's to attract noobs)...i'm used to facing impossible battles where i get to escape if i face impending doom....but it's duel or die for this one...and u get these ratings at the end (out of 5 stars)...i have yet to figure out how this works in detail but scoring seems to be based on how innovative u use battle techniques, and how u fast u beat the enemies (yesh they do have a "recommended" time)...i've been obsessed with getting a perfect rating in every battle (which with the exception of the first battle cuz of the tutorial), i've done quite well...(now keep in mind, i haven't read any walkthrus and don't plan on reading them until i finish this bet)...and font size get bigger as u battle bigger monsters so u don't have to guess how much damage u dealt...

so i'm pretty satisfied withe the game so far...i'm still waiting for my darling (cid raines) to show up which will be today when i start playing =P....but my dragoonette (fang) and richter (rygdea) just showed up....looking forward to more! here's some screens i took with my camera...sorry for the blurriness...


  1. Shiny pictures. Good job, Vicky!

    "i'm still waiting for my darling (cid raines) to show up which will be today when i start playing =P"
    Pfft. Right. You are *not* a fangirl. What's this about a Cid-centric post/shrine coming up?

  2. i will totally do it tomolo....after i've gotten some more pics of him so i can plaster the site with it! and i think the post after that will be filled with bg pics...i'm being more tourist-y than ever....anyways...back to work...i mean, gaming...T_T

  3. I actually like the combat system. It's more about flow of combat rather than just repeatedly attacks on the enemies/bosses to get your victories. I also felt it required more skill and was more consistent on the difficulty curve relative to previous FFs. FF12's I think was based too much on preparation rather than the actual fight. If you prepared poorly, no amount of skill could redeem a failed encounter. 10's was faulted in such the way where I kicked everybody's ass till the last boss...which was sorely imbalanced.

  4. Point being, Hera, that this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black o.o

    Stu: I will let you know my thoughts. At some point tomorrow when I give up on marking.
