Monday, March 15, 2010

This was meant to go on this morning at 7:28am but my computer crashed...

I did it! I finished it! i didn't sleep for 2 days, went out on friday nite, sat, and sun to maintain my social life, had incoherent conversations with various friends, near drunk driving, 6 cups of McD's free coffee on their last day (+ 2 hash-browns), but i finished FFXIII! Exact time was 38:14:02 give or take 20 min cuz i couldn't tell how long the ending was....but hah! i'm $100 richer...and i'll never rush thru a ff again and/or make any sort of wager for a very long time...i think i could've finished it faster if i wasn't playing "tourist" and looked around the bg and took tons of pics for the blog....

i'll be backdating the upcoming blogs that chronicled how i rushed thru this with tons of pics...and look forward to a tribute to my fav brigadier general, Cid on my next post! i'll also be replaying it now that i have my fantastically, pretty, shiny, white, and hard cover strategy guide (thanks livi!) i can actually fill in any gaps that i missed....and actually play the sidequests!

ok i have to go to work now, which i'm sure my high will come down while i'm there T_T i plan to sleep tonite =P


  1. ...I can't believe you pulled that off. NOW GO TO SLEEP

  2. i think i'm going to add this to my list of things i will do/have done in my seems like an achievement to me...=P friend actually said i should go get a bf after he forked over the money....T_T

  3. I have a wife, and I still play games like mad. Course Anna's probably not too fond of that all the time.

    Still, you can tell your friend to shut it. Booyah.
